How to Book your Florida vacation at Windsor Palms
Every owner is vetted & provided proof of ownership. You can view our homes and book with total confidence the perfect home to spend your hard earned vacation, whilst offering the ability to speak directly with a friendly homeowner. With our homes, what you see is what you get so you can be confident when you arrive you won’t just be placed in “whatever is available” like guests using travel agencies or booking agents.
I have flexibility with my dates and do not have specific property requirements.
Select property style in the drop down menu. Try the general request form link at the top right of each property style page. All owners with dates available with respond. Which ever owner responds you will be certain to get bargain holidays compared with central Florida motels & hotels.
I have no flexibility with my dates or have specific property requirements.
Select property style in the drop down menu. Try browsing the required property styles. Click on the "view details" link. Click "availability" for dates. Or read the advert for required requirements. The owner specific request form at the page bottom will be addressed to that owner only. You may if you wish compile a list of suitable homes. This can be done by by clicking "Add To Shortlist". Then click "View Shortlist" you will be taken to a page with all the homes you have added. The availability request on this page will be sent to all the homes you have selected.
I have a large family or group and I wish to book several properties close to each other
Select a street name in the drop down menu. Try the general request form link at the top right of the page. All owners on that street with dates available with respond.Alternatively click on specific homes to request or compile a shortlist.
It's within 30 days of arrival.
"Select Show Last Minute Deals Only" below the property style selection box then search.
I don't like booking over the internet. Can I phone/fax my vacation requirements.
Yes our answer line/fax is:
From UK: 01656 725141
From US: 011 44 1656 725141
Please be aware our group consists of owners from all over the World. The Windsor Palms Owners Group is administered from the United Kingdom. Should you call you will be dialling the UK and subject to international dialling rates.

Windsor Palms Vacation Rentals and Disney World Vacation Rentals